
Showing posts from September, 2014

Upgrading to Google Cast iOS SDK 2.4.0

Recently I've been working on the samples for the Chromecast SDK on iOS. Since we've just updated the sample app for the brand new 2.4.0 SDK , I thought I'd briefly note down the changes I had to make, which should help if you need to update your own app from 2.3.0. As always, the full list of changes can be found in the release notes . Update Frameworks The first step is to drop the new GoogleCast.framework into the project. You'll immediately notice that some classes have changed, and that there is a new dependency on SystemConfiguration.framework , so add that in your Linked Frameworks and Libraries section in the General Project Settings. GCKDeviceScanner To simplify the scanning and connection process, filtering has been merged right into GCKDeviceScanner. Start by removing any references to GCKDeviceFilterListener or GCKDeviceFilter as this functionality is now part of the GCKDeviceScanner directly. Remove any of the delegate methods you may have implemen