
Showing posts from June, 2013

Common Issues With Google+ Sign-In On iOS

With everyone's hearts all a-flutter over the prettiness of iOS 7 from WWDC, I thought it would be a nice moment to summarise some potholes I've seen people trip over while implementing Google+ Sign-In on iOS. While overall it's pretty straightforward, there are some things that can make life a little tricky. However, for reference I've also put up a simple gist of a sign-in implementation that includes an AppDelegate and a ViewController with the sign-in button on.In this case though, we'll take a look at some problems that might bite you during development, and some that might hit later on.Forgetting the resource bundleWhen you include the Google+ iOS SDK, you need three files: GoogleOpenSource.framework, GooglePlus.framework, and GooglePlus.bundle. If you forget the frameworks you're likely to get a big obvious compile error about not being able to find the classes you want to include, but the bundle can be a bit more subtle. It contains the translations for…

Deeplinking Into The Google+ Apps

While setting up your application to receive deep links from the Google+ apps on web, Android and iOS is prettywelldocumented, it's not necessarily obvious that you can deep link into the Google+ apps on Android and iOS.On Android, the Google+ app registers intent filters for (most of)the regular* URLs. From version 4.4 of the Google+ iOS app, it also registers (again, most of) the web URLs, but with the custom gplus:// scheme. If you're reading this on one of those devices right now, you should be able to try these out.View my profile (Web/Android), View my profile (iOS).Go to a community (Android/Web), Go to a community (iOS)Actually using these from your app is straightforward:On Android, the easiest way of starting out is to just fire an intent for the desktop URL, which the Google+ Android app registers a filter to handle:However, because we're using a regular web URL, the default action will be to give us a chooser, which is probably not the i…